1. Why blog
    1. Why choose to blog
    2. About me
    3. Blog platform

Why blog

Why choose to blog

From the beginning to now, I have gone through three stages.

The first stage, just contact Blog, feel very fresh, try to build their own blog platform, at this time there is no domain name, only Intranet access.

In the second stage, they found that they could only access the Intranet and others could not see it, so they purchased the domain name and cloud server.

In the second stage, they found that they could only access the Intranet and others could not see it, so they purchased the domain name and cloud server.

Each of us generates more and more data on the Internet, and this information is a trace of our presence on the Internet and deserves to be taken seriously. We have learned more and more knowledge on the Internet, and these things deserve our serious attention. But they are scattered on various websites, many times it is difficult for us to aggregate them together, and there is no way to freely control the arrangement of information on each website, so we need a space that can be dominated by ourselves - blog.

About me

This is Xu Zijin’s personal website.

So far, I have writtenarticles with a total ofwords.

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Blog platform

This blog is generated by Hexo,and deployed on GitHub Pages.Theme 3-hexo has been open source on github (PS: The theme was developed by Yelog)

The main functions of this theme:

  • Search support for article titles, tags (#tags), authors (@authors)
  • Pad/mobile phone and other mobile devices
  • Page global shortcuts 3-hexo shortcut

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