3-hexo Instructions

  • If there are no special instructions below,_config.yml all refer to the theme profile,which is located in the 3-hexo directory

1. Initialize the _config.yml in the blog

1.1 Internationalization

language: en #Supports zh-CN and en

1.2 Turn off hexo’s built-in code highlighting

Themes have theme highlighting built in, so you need to disable hexo’s built-in highlighting.

    enable: false

2. About functional

2.1 Custom home page

See this article: 3-hexo Configuration Home Page (Article by 3-hexo original author)

2.2 Shortcut key

See this article: 3-hexo Shortcut Key Description (3-hexo original author’s article)

2.3 More author mode

See this article: 3-hexo Multi-author model (3-hexo original author’s article)

2.4 Open the About page

1.Create the About page by doing the following in the hexo root directory.

hexo new page "about"

2.Location: source/aoubt/index.md, edit as needed.

3.Turn on the display in the theme: Change the on of about in the theme root directory _config.yml to true, as shown below

about:  # 'About' button
 on: true # Whether to display
 url: /about  # Jump link
 type: 1 # Jump Type 1: intra-station asynchronous jump 2: current page jump 3: A new tab page is opened

2.5 Add music plugin

3 - hexo added music plug-in (3 - hexo author of the article)

2.6 Configure the comment system

3 - hexo comment set (3 - hexo author of the article)

3. Style Settings

3.1 Code highlights

First, turn off the highlighting in the hexo root directory _config.yml :

  enable: false

Highlight Settings in _config.yml under the configuration theme:

You can follow the prompts to configure your favorite highlighted theme

  on: true # true Turn on code highlighting
  lineNum: true # true Displays the line number
  theme: darcula
# code highlight the theme, the effect can check https://highlightjs.org/static/demo/
# Supported Topics:
# sublime: Refer to sublime's highlighted theme
# darcula: Refer to the darcula theme in idea
# atom-dark: Refer to Atom's dark theme
# atom-light: Refer to Atom's light theme
# github: Refer to the highlighted topics in the GitHub edition
# github-gist: GitHub-Gist topic
# brown-paper: brown paper effect
# gruvbox-light: gruvbox's light theme
# gruvbox-Dark: gruvbox's dark theme
# rainbow :
# railscasts :
# sunburst :
# kimbie-dark :
# kimbie-light :
# school-book: Paper effect

3.2 MathJax Mathematical formula

Modify _config.yml

# MathJax Math formula support
  on: true #Whether to enable
  per_page: false #  If only a single page is rendered, this option is set to false and mathjax: true is added to the page

Considering the loading speed of the page, support for rendering individual pages.

Set per_page: false and add mathjax: true to the page you want to render

  • Attention:
  • Because hexo’s MarkDown renderer conflicts with MathJax, it may cause abnormal use of matrices, etc. So there are two things you need to change before you can use it
  • Edit the node_modules\marked\lib\marked.js script

1.To line 451, this step cancels the escape of ‘\,{,}‘

escape: /^\\([\\`*{}\[\]()# +\-.!_>])/,
change to
escape: /^\\([`*\[\]()# +\-.!_>])/,

2.In line 459, this step removes the escape of the italic marker _.

em: /^\b_((?:[^_]|__)+?)_\b|^\*((?:\*\*|[\s\S])+?)\*(?!\*)/,
change to

3.3 Table style

3 styles are currently provided, modify _config.yml

table: green_title
# table  style
# is empty  similar to github's table style
# green  Green style
# green_title  table style with cyan header

3.4 Hover style for article lists

ove the mouse into the background color and change the text color, set _config.yml.

#Post list mouse over style, default effect when empty
    background: '#e2e0e0'  # Background::'#c1bfc1'  '#fbf4a8'
    color:     #Text colors available: '#ffffff'
# Attention: Since the color contains #, use single quotation marks'

3.5 Turn on word count

1.To enable this function, install the plug-in and run npm i hexo-wordcount --save in the hexo root directory

2.Edit _config.yml

word_count: true

3.6 Change the avatar

Two ways:

1.Replace source/img/avatar.jpg image

2.Modify the profile picture configuration record in _config.yml

# Your avatar url
avatar: /img/avatar.jpg
favicon: /img/avatar.jpg

#3.7 Set the link icon

As follows, if there is no connection, the icon is not displayed.

# Link icon, not displayed if the link is empty
  rss: /atom.xml
    github: https://github.com/XU-Zijin
    email: 3279388083@qq.com
    qq: 3279388083
    kugou: https://www.kugou.com/
    gitee: https://gitee.com/xzj0512

4. Sort and top

4.1 Sort by category

By default, it is sorted according to the positive first letter order. Since Chinese cannot be sorted according to the first letter of Pinyin in the nodejs environment, a custom sorting method is added. The following configuration is found in _config.yml under the theme, and category.sort is defined in the classification order.

Rule: A category defined in sort is more advanced than a category not defined in sort

# Article category Settings
num: true # Displays the number of articles by category
sub: true # Enables multilevel classification
- Read a book.
- Large front end
- Back end
- Database
- Tools.
- Operation and maintenance

4.2 Article sorting

By default, the list of articles is in reverse order by creation time (the date defined in the article below).

The use of top will place the top article, multiple top articles when the greater the value defined by top, the more advanced.

title: 3-hexo Description
date: 2023-03-26 12:11:27
top: 1
- Tools.
- hexo
- 3-hexo

5. About writing articles

5.1 How to write

It is best to write a collection of essays and labels for each article to facilitate screening and viewing.

It is generally recommended to set a collection of articles with one or more tags

categories: Collections, list on the left

tags : Tags, filtered by #

For example, the Settings for this article

title: 3-hexo Description
date: 2023-03-26 12:11:27
top: 1
- Tools.
- hexo
- 3-hexo

5.2 Writing

  1. Set the template: blog root directory: scaffolds/post.md

Add categories,tags, so that future templates generated by hexo new do not have to write these two words.

Of course, you can also include any section that you will have in every article.

title: {{ title }}
date: {{ date }}

In this way, use hexo new <title>. This is the default content of the generated makedown(.md) file.

IPV6 Supports

Please indicate the source for reprinting, welcome to research the sources quoted in the article, welcome to point out any errors or not clear expression. Leave a comment in the comment section below or email us at [email protected]

Title:3-hexo Instructions


Author:Xu Zijin

Created At:2023-03-26, 12:11:27

Updated At:2024-02-10, 09:08:37


Copyright: 'Attribution-non-commercial-shared in the same way 4.0' Reprint please keep the original link and author.
